Guided Writing is very similar to Freewriting, with the exception that you are given a topic to write about. You can select from a list of topics that I will provide at the end of this section, or you can create your own list of topics that are more relevant to your current writing issues.
Again, the idea is to set a timer and write for a minimum of ten minutes. I typically take between 10 and 15 minutes of footage. Gradually, you will extend this to 30 minutes, then 45 minutes, and possibly an hour. How many words can you write or type in an hour if you completely abandon the notion of editing as you write?
The practice of Freewriting and Guided Writing will eliminate any writer's block you may be experiencing. The majority of the time, we talk ourselves out of being able to write about a particular topic. Guided Writing comes into play at this point.
Important to the writing process is asking questions. The more questions you pose to yourself, the more your brain attempts to find answers. When this occurs, you will find that you have a great deal more to write when time expires.
What happened to the issue with Writer's Block? Clearly, Writer's Block is merely a state of mind. It occurs when a project is too large to complete in a single sitting. Alternatively, it occurs when you have not posed a question to yourself. Or it can occur when your Internal Editor takes control of your thoughts.
Here are some Guided Writing prompts for the coming weeks: